Thank you for reviewing the drawings of our participants
It was not easy to grade the drawings that came in, as they all showed very talented students, so it was hard work to review them.
Martha Saladino
Space Telescope Science Institute, USA
Dalma Valenzuela
Missael Hernández
Universidad de Guanajuato, México
Carol Rojas
Las Campanas Observatory, Chile
Jhonattan Pisco
Grupo Halley Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia
Vanesa Ramírez
Universidad de Leiden, Países Bajos
Yoselin López Restrepo
Planetario Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia
Olga Valera
Fundación Ibercivis, España
Kevin Villegas
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia
Luisa Cardona
Estudiante Doctorado​
INAOE, México
Juan Angel Duque
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia
Luis Salazar Manzano
Estudiante Doctorado​
University of Michigan , USA