How have the RECA Internship versions been?
The evolution of the program.

These are some of the experiences and achievements of our students from previous versions of the program.
Internship 2021

Juliet Osorio
Graduated from the University of Antioquia, Colombia.
Bryan Pinilla
Master's student University of Chile, Chile
Daniela Montes
Master's student University of Chile, Chile

Jassyr Salas
Master's student University of Valparaiso, Chile.

Juan Sebastian Rodriguez
Graduated from the National University, Colombia.

Paula Rojas
Graduated from the National University, Colombia.

Maria Paula Rojas
Graduate from Universidad Nacional, Colombia
Internship 2022
Lina Giraldo
Graduated from the University of Antioquia.
Laura Rodriguez
Graduated from the National University.
Master's student National University, Colombia.
Juan Camilo Gaviria
Graduated from the University of Antioquia, Colombia.
Internship 2023
Kelly Garcia Gonzalez
Graduated from the University of Nariño.
Nicolás Echeverri Rojas
Graduated from the National University.
Master's student National University, Colombia.

Jeronimo Calderon
Graduated from the University of Antioquia, Colombia.
Winner of Erasmus Scholarship in Astronomy
Miguel Sabogal
Graduated from Universidad del Atlántico.
Stephany Celis
Graduated from the National University.
Master's student National University, Colombia.
Sofia Montoya
Graduated from the University of Antioquia, Colombia.