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BARCo Kit:

We are shipping boxes with BARCo activities to over 100 schools in rural areas of Colombia.


The kit comes with multiple activities from which you could learn about:

- Colombian women scientists.

- Astronomy in Colombia: places, scientists, projects and more.

- Identify stars and constellations in the night sky.

- Different astronomy topics such as: the solar system, nebulae, galaxies, cosmoglofy, exoplantes and more.

- Other possible forms of  life in the Universe and how we could communicate.

La astronomía va a tu colegio: Inicio

Our BARCo Kit Includes

Card Game:
Women Who Inspire

Get to know some life examples of Colombian women scientists who work in astronomy and are all over the world having incredible achievements... and do it while you play.

Colombian Astronomy Bingo
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Play Bingo and get to know some places, historical characters and projects that contribute to science and astronomy in Colombia.

General astronomy teaching activities
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These are activities designed by our BARCo professional astronomers to teach schools in every corner of the country about the  Cosmos.

All our kit resources are available in digital format because the activities are free for everyone.

However, our activities are under a NO DERIVATION and NO COMMERCIALIZATION license. That is to say, you can use all the products of the kit, but you cannot make editions to them, nor can you use the activities to obtain remunerations.

You must always give the respective credits to RECA.

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Download our booklet with instructions about the activities

Download the videos explaining each of the activities

Download the Glossary to learn more about astronomy concepts

Meet our working team

Together we work to make this project possible

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Sofía Rojas

PhD Astronomy
Postdoc en la Universidad de California - Los Angeles, USA.


Natalia Oliveros

PhD (c) Astrophysics

Johns Hopkins University, USA.

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Juan P Uchima

          PhD (c) Astronomy

     Universidad de La Serena,



Nataly Ospina

Talent attraction program resear Maria Zambrano - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


Laura Ramírez

PhD (c) Astronomy

Université de Genève

Ginebra, Suiza


Felipe Ortiz

Geology Student - Halley UIS, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia

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Juan P Carvajal

PhD (c) Astronomy

Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile


Ángela Pérez

Msc. Education - NAEC Colombia Leader and  Planetario in Medellin

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Kevin Villegas

Physics Engineering Student - Observatory at Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia


Juan Angel Duque

Physics Student - Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia

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Alexandra Serrano

Physics Student - Halley Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia

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